Getting Through a 40 Year Recertification in Miami Dade

Getting Through a 40 Year Recertification in Miami Dade

Condo associations throughout Miami tend to dread the 40 year recertification process. Any number of problems can result in a failed inspection, and an inspector’s findings may necessitate very costly capital improvements. In many instances, a building’s reserve account funding doesn’t come close to meeting the cost of the work needed. Nevertheless, there are a lot of things that condo associations can do to get through their 40 year certifications affordably.

Work With Reliable Contractors

While affordability is important in selecting contractors, it’s not the very most important factor. You need to work with contractors who inspire confidence, have a solid track record of completing projects in a timely manner, and have extensive experience working with your city’s building department. Furthermore, you should look for a company that understands the difficulties of performing major work in an occupied building. This is especially important for any type of project that can be disruptive to residents such as a concrete restoration or a roofing system replacement. If you need help with roofing replacement or flat roofing slate Miami FL, reach out to a experienced roofing company that can give you a competitive estimate for your project.

Avoid Surprises

Board members and property managers should give some thought to an upcoming recertification well before year 40 is upon them. When associations have some sense of what to expect a couple years in advance, planning and budgeting for the work ahead can be less nerve-wracking. They can adjust their operating budgets and reserve account contributions if necessary. Moreover, it gives them an opportunity to seek out qualified and high quality help with capital needs rather than being forced to rush work.

Ultimately, condo associations need to do some careful planning and find the most qualified help available for whatever problems their building may have. A proactive and methodical approach to 40 year inspections will make the recertification process a lot more manageable.

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